We are so excited to announce “You Are the One” Campaign. Here at The Park, we are always reminding you that we are about passion, people, and purpose. We want to emphasize the second word, people. We want everything we do to be about “the One”… One more person who finds hope. One more follower of Jesus. One more person who we can love and care for. We each have “Ones” who are close to us but not God.
As a member of The Park Family, you will play a vital role in the You Are The One campaign. Imagine if you invited every person you prayed for and shared the gospel with to church. How would it change our church? How would it change our community? How would it change the world?
We are asking you to join us in seeing people who are far from God experience the new life He offers through Jesus Christ. That’s why we are launching the You Are The One Campaign. This effort is designed to organize our members to identify one (or more) person in their circle to pray for and share the gospel with this Summer. Your one is someone you interact with on a regular basis who doesn’t know Jesus as their personal Savior. Who in your life needs to know about what Jesus has done for them?
Below you will find resources and graphics to help make it easier to invite your “one” to join us via social media or text. Download the image you want to use at www.theparkch.org/youaretheone and share with those you want to invite.